Peer-to-peer technology, also known as peer-to-peer networking technology, is a new network technology that relies on the computing power and bandwidth of participants in the network rather than concentrating on fewer servers. P2P networks are commonly used to connect nodes through Ad Hoc connections. This type of network can be used for a variety of purposes, and various file sharing software has been widely used. P2P technology is also used in data communication like real-time media services such as VoIP. A pure peer-to-peer network has no concept of a client or server, only equal peer nodes, and acts as both a client and a server to other nodes on the network. This network design model is different from the client-server model, where communication typically travels to and from a central server. Some features of some networks (such as Napster, OpenNAP, or IRC @find) use a client-server architecture and P2P structures to implement additional functionality. A network like Gnutella or Freenet uses a pure P2P structure to accomplish all the tasks. Non-centralized decentralization: Distribute server-centric services to individual network nodes to avoid server performance bottlenecks; Scalability: As more users join, the overall resources and services of the network have been upgraded and expanded; Robust stability: network self-organizing management, problems in a node or local network in the network will not have a great impact on the entire network; Resource sharing: It can effectively use idle hardware resources in the network for calculation and storage; Optimize the propagation speed: data transmission is transmitted directly between nodes, so when user data increases, its data propagation speed will be greatly enhanced; When choosing wear parts and spare parts for your crush, think long-term. Our parts help keep your crusher working at peak performance because they are made to fit and function for just that. Cone Crusher Part,Simple Crusher Frame,Pendulum Crusher Frame,Customize Crusher Frame Shenyang Zhicheng Heavy Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. ,
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What is P2P technology?