Currently, microprocessors have a current flowing in the transistor, and the device generates heat and leaks a small amount of current at the same time, resulting in a decrease in chip efficiency. To this end, researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles use multiferromagnetic materials to reduce the power consumption of logic circuits.
Yuhai Company is engaged to research
and development of piezoelectric products
and related piezoelectric products, the related piezoelectric products includes the piezo sensors and transducer.
The Ultrasonic Transducer is a kind of transducer that converts the ultrasonic signal into electric signal, or vice versa. Ultrasound transmitter and receiver is a transducer that can transmit and receive ultrasound. Ultrasound sensor is a kind of sensor, in essence, it is also a transmitter and receiver. The working principle of this kind of equipment is similar to that of radar and sonar. Active ultrasonic sensors can emit and receive reflected waves, and determine the distance of the target by measuring the time interval between transmission and reception. Passive Ultrasonic Sensor is actually a microphone that can convert ultrasonic signal into electrical signal.
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Multiferroic materials can be turned on or off by changing the voltage, which enables it to transmit energy in the form of cascaded waves through electron spins. This magnetic effect is called the spin wave bus. It can also be thought of as waves, waves can transmit energy, but individual water molecules do not move.
The researchers said that the use of spin waves can help people achieve a new way of computing, which will help solve the traditional semiconductor technology is facing the proportion of reduced challenges. And, the spin waves generated by this multiferroic material can also reduce the heat loss in the calculation process, thereby increasing the energy efficiency by 1000 times.
According to the working principle and materials used, the ultrasonic transducer has Piezoelectric Transducer, electrostatic transducer (capacitive transducer), magnetostrictive transducer, electromagnetic acoustic transducer, mechanical transducer and other types [1].