First, Super flux (4Pin, plug-in type, single power 0.2W)

Single test voltage up to 4V, 4 series test voltage 16V, 12 series test voltage 48V test current: red, amber 70mA, current limit is 0.07A. blue, green is 50mA current limit is 0.05A. Before the test, adjust the current, select the appropriate voltage, and then test.

Second, Luxeon & Lambert (SMD type, welding machine welding, single power 1W

Single test voltage up to 4V, 4 series test voltage 16V, 12 series test voltage 48V, test current: red, green, blue, amber are 350mA, current limit is 0.35A, the current must be adjusted before testing, Choose the right voltage.

Third, 20mA SMD LED

Red single test voltage up to 2.0V, blue, green single test voltage up to 3.5V test current: red, green, blue are 20mA, current limit is 0.02A, the current must be adjusted before testing, select the appropriate voltage And then test it. The application of the LED for product testing shall be guided by the engineering department.

Fourth, B2S 150mA SMD LED

The LED is currently only a cool white color, a single test voltage of 3.5V. Test current: 150mA, current limit is 0.15A. Before the test, you must adjust the current, select the appropriate voltage, and then test. The application of the LED for product testing shall be guided by the engineering department.

Five, K2 LED (single power 4W)

Single test voltage up to 4V, 4 series test voltage 16V, 12 series test voltage 48V test current: red is 700mA, current limit is 0.70A, green, blue, cool white is 1000mA, current limit is 1.00A test Before adjusting the current, select the appropriate voltage and then test.

6, 3W LED Lambert

Single test voltage up to 4V, 4 series test voltage 16V, 12 series test voltage 48V test current: red, green, blue, cool white are 700mA, current limit is 0.70A, the current must be adjusted before testing, select The appropriate voltage is then tested.

Seven, the use of DC voltage source adjustment

1, the operation steps

a, current fine adjustment current coarse adjustment voltage fine adjustment voltage coarse adjustment b, test leads short circuit (voltage 3-5V) to adjust the required current

c, separate the pen to adjust the voltage required d, red pen connected to the LED positive black pen connected to the LED negative

2, note: (LED is a device sensitive to current and voltage)

a. Adjust the appropriate voltage and current before testing.

b. When the current is short-circuited, the voltage should not be too high.

c, 1A=1000mA The current in Figure 2 is 0.70A or 700mA.

d. The light board test will be issued in the form of SOP.

Eight, single unknown color LED test

a.Super Flux LED test current is 50mA

b. SMD test current is 20mA

c.B2S SMD LED test current is 150mA

d.Nic hia 20mA LED 5Φ Test current is 20mA

e.Luxeon, Lambert, K2 LED test current selects 350mA

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