At present, most of the power amplifiers in active speakers use transistors or integrated circuits. The active speakers made with tube power amplifiers are almost rare, but if you want to pursue the sweetness of monochrome, you should still use tubes to make active speakers. The characteristics of the tube power amplifier are soft and warm tone, clear and transparent level, high and delicate treble, clear and bright midrange, and full and rich bass. Use it to enjoy music, rich in harmonics, and pleasant. The characteristics of the transistor power amplifier are clear and cool sound, high treble penetration, bright and clear midrange, and strong bass. It is the leader in listening to jazz and rock music. This article recommends a series of active speakers made with electronic tubes to the majority of music hobbies. You can enjoy the speaker by simply plugging in the power plug and connecting the output terminal of the power amplifier in the speaker to the audio output terminal of the VCD, VCR or TV. The production of active speakers is not difficult. If there are ready-made speakers, you can install and remove some parts. Place the installed power amplifier in it. The installation location should be determined according to the structure of the cabinet. Figure 9-55 shows the internal structure. Circuit principle: Installation and commissioning:
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